
Nicaragua is a Central American country known for its high-quality coffee produced in areas with fertile volcanic soils and diverse microclimates. After political unrest, civil war, and the destruction of coffee infrastructure due to Hurricane Mitch, the coffee industry was restored through cooperatives. The Nicaraguan Association of Smallholder Coffee Cooperatives (CAFENICA) was established to help producers regain their land and educate them on post-harvest processing methods. Coffee production supports 8% of the country’s exports and nearly 45,000 families, with most of the producers being smallholders.

Moreover, 95% of coffee production is grown under a shade of native and exotic trees, which promotes biodiversity and soil health, and helps preserve the surrounding ecosystems. Finca Dora, owned by Daniel Nuñez, is a century-old coffee farm located in the Jinotega region. The farm uses agroforestry systems to promote biodiversity and creates jobs for locals. During the harvest, the coffee cherries are handpicked and transported to the wet mill before being moved to a dry mill to be hulled and prepared for export.

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