SUP Drip Bag Coffee


10 sachets (Box) Award-winner Espresso Supreme Blend

Golden Bean 2019 – Bronze Medal winner – Milk Based & Espresso Category
Golden Bean 2021 – Bronze Medal winner – Milk Based & Espresso Category

These drip bag coffee is perfectly measured to brew 1 cup and ready for use in a hook-over-cup-filter. Perfect for travelling or to brew at home or at work.

How to use Drip On Coffee Bags?

1) Unseal the package and hook-over-cup-filter.

2) Pull open the filter and hook each side over your cup

3) Wet the coffee by pouring hot water over the coffee. Take your time with this, you want the hot water to “drip through”. Repeat three to four times until the cup is full of fresh brewed drip coffee.

4) Discard the pouch and enjoy.